Maternity Clothes: Choosing What Works for You

To many women maternity clothes sound like the death of fashion, but in our current day and age, it is not the case. Your grandmother and mother had to deal with the loose tent-like clothing, mumus, and various other unflattering designs when their clothing no longer fit, but you don’t have to. Today, maternity clothing is able to achieve comfort without sacrificing fashion.
Yes or No to Maternity Clothes
For many first-time mothers maternity clothing sounds daunting. Do you really need them? Why should I spend money on something I will only wear for a few months? Can’t I just wear my normal clothes? The answer to all of these questions is yes…and no.
For some women maternity clothes are a great option. They are fashionable, comfortable, and built for your ever-changing body, but they can be expensive and it can seem futile to buy clothing you will wear for only a few months.
It is relatively easy in the first few months to adjust your current wardrobe to fit your belly. So during this time, if you know that you will be comfortable in your normal clothes then just wear those! There is no need to purchase new clothing if you don’t need to; but most of the time, your normal clothing isn’t meant for your growing belly. And what was comfortable in the beginning of your pregnancy can soon become uncomfortable as your stomach grows. In the end, it is a matter of your personal preference.
What Not to Wear – Maternity Clothes Edition
As your body changes, there will be a few clothing items it is best to avoid. In general you will want to avoid any tight-fitting clothing as it can be uncomfortable and restrictive. You will want to pay particular attention to any clothing that is tight in the belly area as they can harm the growth of the baby.
In addition, as your hormones increase you will probably experience hot flashes and you will probably sweat a lot more than you normally do. This in addition to certain materials can become incredibly uncomfortable, and can even cause a yeast infection. Cool, lightweight, loose-fitting clothing will be your best bet to stay comfortable.
Overall try to avoid:
Tight-fitting clothing
Certain heavy materials such as, leather, jeans, and wool
Any clothing that is fitted around the waist
How to Maximize Your Maternity Clothes Budget
One concern that many pregnant women have is their budget. You already will have to buy a bunch of new things for the baby, and new maternity clothes for yourself is not at the top of your priority list. At a certain point, however, your normal clothing just won’t cut it anymore and you will have to make some adjustments. In an effort to maximize your budget while also making sure you are comfortable we wanted to give a few tips.
Shop your own wardrobe
The easiest way to pinch a few pennies, is by adjusting your current wardrobe to fit your new needs. If you have exhausted all of your loose-fitting tops, maxi skirts, and dresses you can always try to re-style them. A maxi skirt can be turned into a dress, and a dress can be turned into a tunic style shirt.
In addition you can always wear your current pants, unbutton them, and loop a hairband around the button and through the loop. This creates a faux elastic waist for your pants, and allows you to continue wearing them a little longer than you would have been able to.
Borrow from friends
Has one of your friends just recently had a baby? Try asking if you can borrow from their wardrobe. More than likely, they would be more than willing to help you out. We all know what it feels like to not be able to fit into your current clothes. If not a friend, maybe a family member kept some of their old maternity clothes. Some women even re-style their partners’ clothing to suit their current body.
Go thrifting
What do you do when you are done with your current clothes, but don’t want to toss them away? You donate them! And what better way to get rid of your old maternity clothes then to donate or consign them, so that other women can have them.
If your local thrift store or consignment shops don’t have many available options, you can always try out online thrift/consignment options. Online retailers such as Motherhood Closet and ThredUp offer cheap and stylish options to suit you.
Loving Your Changing Body
A lot of women lament about their “pre-pregnancy body” and how they wish they could get it back. Yes, your body has changed physically, but you have also changed emotionally. Love yourself now, not what you were.
We know how difficult self-love can be during this time of your life, but try to remember that you are growing a child inside of you. Be kind to yourself and love your body, even if it doesn’t seem to be loving you. Don’t be afraid to show off your baby bump and be proud of all that comes with it.
We at Bellefit want you to love your body, and care for yourself. That is why we offer a range of postpartum maternity garments, to help you feel confident and sexy. Our shaper leggings can help you feel supported and comfortable in your postpartum days. Our postpartum girdles can help speed up your recovery, and our intimates keep you feeling confident and relaxed. What are you waiting for? Check out our postpartum garment options today.