Bellefit postpartum girdle review by Karin N

Karin N
After an incredible natural childbirth, I left the birth center five hours after my baby boy was born. It was a long but incredible labor and birth, but I felt great afterwards.

Karin N

After an incredible natural childbirth, I left the birth center five hours after my baby boy was born. It was a long but incredible labor and birth, but I felt great afterwards. Two days postpartum, I squeezed my belly into the Bellefit corset.

Instantly, I felt stable and strong in my core section. My uterus was still shrinking for a while, but the Bellefit removed the discomfort of contracting pains while nursing.

I also felt like it kept me looking great, which was a nice boost for my confidence as all our family and friends visited for the first few weeks. I wore the corset all day and night for the first month and then just during the day for the second month. I actually didn't work out much for these first two months, as I was merely surviving being a first-time mother. This corset truly made a difference in my return to a flat stomach and gave me the stability in my core as the stomach muscles healed. I now recommend it to all my pregnant friends!
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