32 Ways to Save Money When You Have a Baby


The journey to parenthood is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be a financially challenging one. From diapers to baby gear, the costs can add up quickly. However, with some strategic planning and savvy money-saving techniques, you can navigate the world of parenting without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we'll explore 32 effective ways to save money when you have a baby, drawing inspiration from a variety of reputable sources.

1. Make a Budget and Stick to It

Before your baby arrives, create a budget that outlines your expected income and expenses. Parents.com advises that this will help you understand your financial situation and set realistic savings goals.

2. Buy Secondhand Baby Gear

Gentwenty suggests purchasing secondhand baby gear. Many items like cribs, strollers, and high chairs can be found in great condition at a fraction of the cost.

3. Create a Baby Registry

Tinybeans recommends creating a baby registry. This is a great way to let friends and family know what you need, reducing the likelihood of receiving duplicate gifts or items you won't use.

4. Consider Cloth Diapers

According to Parents.com, choosing cloth diapers can save a significant amount of money over the long term compared to disposable ones.

5. Breastfeed If Possible

Breastfeeding, as noted by Gentwenty, is not only a healthy choice for your baby but also a way to save money on formula.

6. Use Free Baby Apps

Tinybeans recommends using free baby apps to track feeding, sleeping, and diaper changes rather than buying expensive baby tracking gadgets.

7. Stock Up on Baby Essentials During Sales

Plan ahead and stock up on diapers, wipes, and baby toiletries during sales and with coupons, as suggested by Parents.com.

8. Skip the Baby Food Maker

Gentwenty advises against purchasing a dedicated baby food maker. Instead, use a regular blender or food processor to make baby food at a fraction of the cost.

9. Buy Unisex Clothing

Opt for unisex clothing and gear, as recommended by Parents.com, to make it easier to reuse items for future children, regardless of gender.

10. Consider Generic Brands

Tinybeans suggests choosing generic brands for baby items like diapers, formula, and baby toiletries, which are often more affordable and of equal quality.

11. Borrow or Rent Baby Gear

If there's something you'll only use briefly, consider borrowing from friends or renting baby gear rather than buying it, as advised by Gentwenty.

12. Opt for a Convertible Car Seat

When it's time to upgrade the car seat, Parents.com recommends choosing a convertible one that grows with your child, saving you from having to buy multiple seats.

13. Hand-Me-Downs from Family and Friends

Accept hand-me-downs from family and friends, suggests Tinybeans. Babies grow quickly, and many items are lightly used.

14. Choose a Midwife or Nurse-Midwife

Gentwenty recommends considering a midwife or nurse-midwife for prenatal care and delivery, as they are often more cost-effective than obstetricians.

15. Buy in Bulk

Whenever possible, buy baby essentials in bulk to take advantage of cost savings, according to Parents.com.

16. Look for Discounts and Cashback Offers

Use cashback and discount apps or websites for baby-related purchases, as advised by Tinybeans. You can often get money back on your spending.

17. DIY Baby Food

Make your own baby food at home. Pureeing fruits and vegetables is simple and cost-effective, as mentioned by Gentwenty.

18. Plan for Handmade Gifts

Ask for or create handmade gifts for your baby's special occasions. These thoughtful gifts can be both meaningful and budget-friendly, as suggested by Parents.com.

19. Reuse Baby Gear for Siblings

Save baby gear like strollers and high chairs for future siblings, according to Tinybeans. This way, you won't need to repurchase everything.

20. Shop at Thrift Stores

Consider shopping at thrift stores for baby clothes, toys, and furniture. These stores often offer quality items at a fraction of the cost, as advised by Gentwenty.

21. Purchase Used Maternity Clothes

During your pregnancy, buy used maternity clothes or borrow from friends who have had babies, as recommended by Parents.com.

22. Reduce the Use of Paper Products

Opt for cloth napkins and bibs instead of disposable ones, as suggested by Tinybeans. This can save money and reduce waste.

23. Plan Your Meals

Gentwenty advises planning your meals and cooking at home whenever possible. This reduces the temptation to eat out, saving you money in the long run.

24. Trade Babysitting with Friends

To save on childcare expenses, consider trading babysitting services with friends or family members, as recommended by Parents.com.

25. Delay Major Purchases

Tinybeans suggests delaying non-essential purchases until after your baby arrives. This will give you a better idea of what you truly need.

26. Make Your Own Baby Laundry Detergent

Gentwenty recommends making your own baby laundry detergent. This is often more cost-effective than buying specialized baby detergent.

27. Learn to Sew

Consider learning basic sewing skills to mend or alter baby clothing rather than constantly buying new items, as suggested by Parents.com.

28. Choose a Family Health Insurance Plan

Select a family health insurance plan that meets your needs and covers your baby's medical expenses, as recommended by Tinybeans.

29. Reduce Energy Costs

Find ways to reduce your home's energy costs by being mindful of heating, cooling, and lighting, according to Gentwenty.

30. Handmade Baby Shower Decorations

If you're planning a baby shower, consider creating your own decorations rather than purchasing expensive ones, as advised by Parents.com.

31. Use Cloth Diaper Services

If cloth diapering seems overwhelming, consider using a cloth diaper service. They provide clean diapers and handle the dirty work, as recommended by Tinybeans.

32. Avoid Impulse Purchases

Resist the temptation to make impulse purchases for your baby. Instead, plan and budget for the items you truly need, as mentioned by Gentwenty.


Welcoming a new baby into your life is a joyous occasion, and with some thoughtful planning and a few money-saving strategies, you can navigate the financial challenges that come with it. From creating a budget and making wise choices about baby gear to shopping smart, every step you take can help you save money without compromising on the care and love you provide to your little one. By implementing these 32 money-saving tips, you can enjoy the journey of parenthood without straining your finances.

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