Tips for Breastfeeding While Traveling

Although traveling with a newborn breastfeeding baby can be a challenge, as long as you are prepared and up for the task, you will be able to continue your traveling plans. All you need are a few essential tips and the appropriate gear to make your journey enjoyable while you have a breastfeeding newborn.

Tips for Traveling while Breastfeeding

Below, we have put together a few essential tips to help mothers be more comfortable with the idea of breastfeeding while traveling and ensure that they are well equipped to set out on their trip.

1. Take your time

If you are traveling with a newborn, you will want to give yourself a little extra time than usual to ensure you are not rushing to get things done, for example, the needs of your baby. Set some time aside within your travel plans so that you can breastfeed your baby and be relaxed while doing so.

2. Plan Ahead

Take a look at your travel route and see where any convenient stopping points will be, then you can plan out different places that would be most comfortable to breastfeed. For example, if you are on a road trip, you may want to look at cafes or restaurants along the route where you can stop for both you and your baby to eat.

3. See if there are breastfeeding areas

Again depending on where you are traveling or what transportation you are using, there may be designated breastfeeding areas. Some airports, for example, have breastfeeding pods so that moms can nurse their babies in private.

4. Choose a window seat on the plane

If you will be traveling on the plane, chances are you may have to breastfeed on the plane. Having the window seat will allow you to have a little more privacy.

5. Pumping

Another piece of advice is to try to pump some milk into bottles whenever you can. You can pump before heading off on your trip or perhaps when your travel partner is driving. This way, you can more easily feed your baby with a bottle in a crowded area or while in the car.

6. Hydrate

As for any breastfeeding mom, you want to ensure that you are drinking enough water, especially when breastfeeding. When you are traveling, thinking about drinking water may not be of top priority, but it should be since your baby needs adequate hydration too.

7. Wash your hands frequently

When you are traveling, you will encounter many different people and travel through other areas. Remember to wash your hand before breastfeeding to safeguard against spreading germs to yourself and your baby. While traveling, you will often stop at gas stations, restaurants, train stations, or airports filled with many people and many germs daily. Stay safe so that your newborn is safe as well.

8. Baby bag

Traveling with a baby bag will be extremely helpful to stay organized and ensure that all your essentials are in one place. Now that you have a newborn, you will need a few more items while traveling than usual, and having one designated place to put them will help with the traveling process.

What Extra Breastfeeding Gear Do I Need to Travel

Before you set out on your trip, pack your baby bag equipped with a few extra items that will help you while breastfeeding on the go. Planning ahead to make sure you have everything you may need will help relieve some unneeded stress and focus on enjoying your time.

1. Nursing blanket or top

Throughout your travels, there may be times that you will need to nurse in public, and having something to cover yourself with will help you feel more comfortable and intimate. You can use a nursing cover or blanket to drape over your shoulder while breastfeeding. Alternatively, you may want to wear a nursing top that is designed for breastfeeding easily.

2. Cooler bag

If you are pumping your breast milk, you will need somewhere to keep the bottles. While you are on the move, having a cooler bag or pouch is a great place to store your bottles safely. Keeping the milk fresh doesn’t just improve the taste; it protects your baby from any bacteria or other problems that spoiled milk might create.

3. Portable breast pump

Since you will be traveling, having a portable pump will make pumping much easier. You may not always be near an outlet or want to fuss with always trying to find one, and you may want to try pumping in the car, so having a portable version will be beneficial.

Traveling With a Newborn

Hopefully, these tips will help with planning your travels and packing the right gear for breastfeeding while on the road. If this is your first time traveling with a newborn baby, as long as you are organized beforehand, you should be set to go on your adventure.

Remember to try and relax and take some time for yourself too. If you are traveling with someone else, swap duties throughout your trip so neither of you are overwhelmed. If you are going to pump, your travel partner can take over feeding the baby so you can focus on yourself even for a few minutes.

As a new mother, you will likely still be dealing with some of the natural postpartum consequences that will be different if this is the first time traveling after having a baby. Maybe pack a book for a little bit of me-time or to get it done at the same time as pumping. Also, try wearing a girdle while traveling. They are designed to make you look and feel great after giving birth and will also make moving around just a little more comfortable for you.

Traveling can be stressful under normal circumstances, so the added pressure of postpartum traveling with a newborn and breastfeeding may seem like a lot, but as long as you are prepared, we know that you can handle it!

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