Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Someone you know is about to have a baby, and you just got invited to the baby shower – so what are some baby shower gift ideas? It can be difficult to figure out what to get your friend for their shower. Sometimes they will have a registry that you can easily pick something from, but other times they won’t. We put together a list of some of the best baby shower gift ideas that will have the new parents thanking you.
Baby Shower Registry
If you are looking for a great gift idea look no further than the parents registry. It sounds a little boring, and uncreative, but the parents are asking for these things for a reason. It may seem like an easy solution to your worries, and that is because it is. The entire purpose of a registry is to make sure that the friends and family of the couple know exactly what the couple wants. They will be grateful to you for anything you get them off of that list. That’s why they put it together in the first place. If the new parent(s) didn’t create a registry, or if you are looking to add something in addition to the registry gift, we put together a few ideas.

What Type of Baby Shower Gift?
When looking at gift ideas, it is a great idea to figure out what type of gift you want to give to the new family. Do you want to get something to help with the baby? Or maybe get something to help make life a little easier once the baby has been born? Some people may even decide to get a gift to make mom’s life a little easier. Whatever you decide, we have some great ideas for you.
Baby Shower Gifts for the Baby
Swaddle Blankets
If you are looking to make the parent(s) life a little easier, it is a great idea to buy them some swaddle blankets. They are the perfect gift to help soothe the baby and keep them safely tucked in at night. Lots of research has been done on the benefits of swaddling babies at night. According to a study in Pediatrics, one of the main benefits is that babies sleep longer when swaddled. And as we all know, any amount of sleep from an infant, is more sleep you can get for yourself. Trust us, the new parent(s) will thank you for introducing them to this wonderful technique.
Stuffed Animals
Everyone has a favorite stuffed animal from their childhood. The soft fur and the squishy feeling is a great way to ease a child to sleep as they get older. Some stuffed animals can even double as a night light or a sound machine to ease the child’s sleeping. Not only are they cute, but they are useful too.
Another great gift to give is books! Children learn to speak and communicate by observing and learning from adults. The best way for them to get a head start is by being read to from a very young age. It allows them to adjust to the sounds and can even increase their likelihood of speaking sooner.

According to Dr. Kandia Lewis, “By the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language. The more stories you read aloud, the more words your baby will hear and the better they’ll be able to talk.” So, help the parents get a head start on their child’s development by growing their library.
Noise Machine
Infants spend nine months in the womb insulated from the sounds, smells, and feelings of the outside world. Now imagine coming out of that place and the sensory overload that occurs. Noise machines can help a baby overcome that sensory overload. The machines drown out background noise that could wake them up while they are sleeping. This can help them sleep deeper and longer – which helps mom sleep longer too.
Baby Clothes
Do you remember how quickly you went through clothing and shoes as a kid? Looking back on it, it is crazy how much children grow in a short amount of time. You can help the parents ease into life with a new child, by making sure they are a little prepared. Not only do you want to get them newborn clothes, but get them 3-month-old clothes too, or even 6-month-old clothes. They may wake up one morning, and suddenly realize their babies clothes don’t fit anymore. And it will be such a relief when they realize you got them something they can use now.

You can never have enough diapers. As a new-time parent it can be shocking to realize just how many diapers babies go through. So while it may seem like overkill, buying them a bunch of diapers will be super helpful. And similar to clothing, try buying them bigger diapers as well so they are prepared when the time comes.
Baby Shower Gifts to Make Life Easier
It is easy to get caught up in the practical things when we are shopping for new parents or as new parents. Getting the stroller, and clothes, and carseats are all at the top of the list, but what about things that make life just a little easier? While these might not be at the top of the list, these products are incredibly helpful and useful for new parents.
Breastfeeding Pillow
If you know the mom is planning on breastfeeding when the baby arrives, it is a great idea to get her a breastfeeding pillow. This pillow makes it much easier for the baby to be properly situated to latch on easily. It also helps decrease additional strain that would come from holding the baby in place while it is feeding.

Diaper Genie
Like we mentioned earlier, it is astonishing how many diapers a baby goes through. While changing the baby, it can be messy, smelly, and difficult to go back and forth with a diaper to the trash. A diaper genie is a great solution. It traps in all the smells and can be used multiple times before needing to be emptied. It is the perfect size and height to be set near the changing table, and easily reached.
Medicine Kit
One thing many new parents typically don’t think of is a medicine kit/bag for their new baby. That first time your baby gets a cold or a fever can be terrifying. And a medicine kit will make sure you are prepared for anything. Throw in a baby thermometer, baby medications, and maybe even a snot sucker – and the parents will thank you later.
Sentimental Box
For all the preparing you do, you can never prepare for how quickly the firsts will go by. Your baby’s first haircut, their first word, ultrasound pictures, first month of life – it all goes so quickly. Make sure they are prepared to capture all those first memories, by getting them a sentimental box. There they can keep all the memories in one place and remember to capture those firsts.
Baby Shower Gift Ideas for Mom
So much time is spent on the baby, and preparing things for the new child, but what about the mom? She just gave birth and now her body is going through even more changes. Imagine the physical strain of growing a child for nine months, giving birth, and then recovering while also taking care of a baby. It is a lot for anyone, so make her life more comfortable.
Hospital Kit
Yes, the parent(s) probably have a bag or a plan for the hospital, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure that she has something to look forward to. Remember – the entire time the mom is in labor, she can only each ice chips. Labor lasts hours! Make sure that she has a little something to eat once she is done. Snacks, chocolate, a gift card to her favorite food place, all of these will definitely be used once she has given birth. Besides, no one wants hospital food. You can also throw in a pair of really comfortable socks, and a robe that she can change into once she has given birth too. It will give her a little sense of normalcy.

Postpartum Recovery Kit
Many people forget everything they have to do after giving birth. Having a little postpartum recovery kit can be super helpful. It may seem odd giving them a giant pack of pads and comfortable underwear, but it will be so helpful once she has given birth.
Breastfeeding Bra
If you know the new mom is going to be breastfeeding, it doesn’t hurt to get her a breastfeeding bra. It makes breastfeeding so much easier. Bellefit even has some nursing bras that are comfortable enough to wear at night, and easy to use for night-time feedings.
Bellefit Postpartum Girdle
The absolute best thing you can get for a new mom, is a Bellefit postpartum girdle. Postpartum girdles are a great recovery tool that every single mom can benefit from. Postpartum girdles help to speed up the recovery process and make life after giving birth a little less painful. The girdles are essential in making sure mom recovers quickly and easily. Bellefit has multiple styles, sizes, and colors available to make sure that you are covered no matter what. If you are worried about proper sizing, don’t worry! We have gift cards available, so mom can choose the perfect one for her.

We hope that this list of baby shower gift ideas has been helpful.