Postpartum Hair Loss 101

What happened to that thick, shiny, beautiful hair you got during pregnancy? Why are you now experiencing hair loss? Is this normal? In this article, we will discuss hair loss after pregnancy: what is normal, what is not, and why you are losing your hair.
Why you lose hair after pregnancy
While pregnancy comes with so many uncomfortable changes, one change you might have been happy to see is your hair growing more thick, and your nails becoming stronger. These things are caused by an increase in hormones during your pregnancy. So, when your body is no longer pumping out those extra hormones you may find your hair falling out a little more.
This process is actually known as telogen effluvium. When you become pregnant your body begins to produce hormones to grow the baby. One of the hormones prevents your hair from falling out. So, eventually when your body stops producing that hormone, it starts to also allow your hair to fall out (including all the extra hair you grew that never fell out). This is completely natural, although it can seem a bit startling.
After getting used to 10 months of thick and lustrous hair, it can be difficult to go back to your normal hair before your pregnancy. After you have given birth you will most likely begin to notice that your hair is falling out a lot more than it normally does. It may even come out in clumps over the next six months of your postpartum recovery.
How much hair loss is normal?
An average person loses about 100 hairs a day. This often doesn’t happen at once so you never notice how many hairs you lose. However, while you were pregnant your hair wasn’t shedding as much, so now you have abou 10 months worth of hair loss to go through in 6 months.
Despite how much hair it may seem like you are losing, you are not going bald. Your hair is just returning to its natural state. So while postpartum hair loss is normal, there are a few medical conditions, such as thyroid conditions and anemia, that can cause excess hair loss. Make sure you mention your hair loss to your doctor if you are really concerned and they can help rule out any underlying medical conditions.
How long does it last?
The good news about postpartum hair loss is that it is temporary. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research postpartum hair loss typically starts about 3 months after giving birth; but your hair should return back to normal about six months to a year after giving birth.
Unfortunately, there is no “cure” for the hair loss, and the only thing you can do is be patient. Because postpartum hair loss is completely natural, there are no supplements or medications you can take to prevent the hair loss. That doesn’t mean you should do nothing if your hair loss is bothering you though! There are plenty of ways to make sure your hair remains healthy.
Dealing with postpartum hair loss
For some women, hair loss can be a major source of discomfort or self-consciousness. Especially when the majority of your hair is falling out around your hairline. Don’t worry though! Many women have been there before, and they have shared what helped them get through it. So we compiled a list of the best tips for dealing with postpartum hair loss.
Maintain a healthy diet and continue to take vitamins. The key to healthy and shiny hair is to have a well-balanced diet. When you are taking all the correct supplements and eating well-rounded meals your body (and your hair) will thank you for it.
Try a new hairstyle or hair color. Certain hairstyles and colors can make your hair appear thinner than it actually is, so try changing it up. If you typically have straight blonde hair, try curling it or dying it brown. This can make your hair appear fuller.
Avoid excess heat damage to your hair. You are already losing hair, so you don’t want to cause excess hair loss by damaging it even more. If you can skip using a hairdryer or a flat iron every day it will help in the long run.
Try out some mousse. If your hair tends to fall flat after drying it, try adding some volumizing products to it! This can boost your hair at the roots and makes your hair appear thicker.
Try parting your hair in a different way. Sometimes the only thing your hair needs to appear fuller is to be parted in a new way. After a long period of time with the same part, your hair may get used to it and naturally lie flat in that style. If you typically part your hair down the middle, try parting it to the side. Or if you part your hair to the side, try parting it down the middle or the other side. Flip your hair all over until you find a style you think looks the best.
Try out hair accessories. If you don’t have a lot of time, or you are trying to hide a specific section of your hair try out some accessories. Bows, headbands, hair wraps, and bandanas are all fashionable and easy ways to cover certain parts of your hair. No one will even know what is going on!
Be gentle with your hair. Your hair is pretty delicate when it is all said and done, and you want to try to be gentle with it as much as possible. Make sure you don’t viciously brush out tangles, but take your time and use a wide-toothed comb and some detangler. Try not to put your hair in tight styles that pull on your hair; but rather use scrunchies and loose styles to gently pull your hair back.
Main Takeaways
Postpartum hair loss is just one of the natural things that comes after giving birth. You can’t prevent it, but you can do things to mask it if you’re self-conscious. If you continue to have excess hair loss after a year postpartum, it may be beneficial to see a doctor to rule out any underlying health conditions.
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We hope this has been a beneficial and informative article!