Bellefit postpartum girdle review by Kelli-W

I had done a great deal of research prior to purchasing a corset for postpartum use. While Bellefit had great reviews, I was torn between this and another product. I purchased both and immediately after giving birth to my son and placing on the corset realized just how much better Bellefit was than the competing product.


I had done a great deal of research prior to purchasing a postnatal corset.  While Bellefit had great reviews, I was torn between this and another product.

I purchased both and immediately after giving birth to my son and placing on the corset realized just how much better Bellefit was than the competing product.

It made my core feel strong and stable. I only took off the corset while taking a shower, and sleeping and these are the times I really recognized just how well it was working as I felt very jiggly and weak when it wasn't on. It helped a great deal in helping me shed the pregnancy weight easily but the benefit I had not expected was the way it helped me when taking care of my newborn. It made me feel strength in my core which helped greatly in the day to day activities picking up and carrying the baby and also providing support while breastfeeding. I have walked daily since my son was 2 weeks old but still at 2.5 mo postpartum have not done any running or further exercise yet. With walks a healthy diet and breastfeeding I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

I owe a lot of my early mobility and weight loss to Bellefit."

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