The second photo was when I got my belle fit, it took a few times to find the right fit but it was the first time I wanted to take a picture since having her
- C-Section
Girdle with Zipper,
Rebecca S
I apologize that my photos aren't belly shots. We learned early on that our baby was unlikely to survive, let alone be born alive. The photo before birth was 2 days before I went into labor with our beautiful fighter Zoey Sophia.
She was born alive via emergency c section, we heard her cry, and she lived for 18 hours before we decided to end her suffering and take her off the machines to wait for her heart to stop.
The second photo was when I got my bellefit, it took a few times to find the right fit but it was the first time I wanted to take a picture since having her, it has been about a month because it was heartbreaking when strangers would ask when my baby was due.
Bellefit gave me the confidence to leave the house, to get out the bed and try my best to conceal my post pregnancy body, only because I didn't have a beautiful baby to show off with the mommy tummy.
Now a few months later, I've taken up kickboxing, I've lost almost 40 lbs and I still wear my Bellefit pull up girdle because it gives me the confidence to wear cute dresses and go buy new jeans in sizes I never thought I'd get into again.
I often wear it for 8-10 hours a day with no issues. I will tell all my pregnant friends about Bellefit, I only wish I'd found this product sooner.