Bellefit postpartum girdle review by Shelly M

Shelly M
With C-sections it's super hard getting out of bed or even walking without feeling like your belly is going to fall apart.I am SOOOO thankful I heard about this.
I could walk without holding my breath, I could get out of bed ( I didn't sleep at night with it but I did take naps with the baby throughout the day) and not have horrible back pain and strain my belly. I can't believe I waited until my third child to get this. I have recommended them to all my friends and highly recommend them for C-section mommas who are terrified to have pressure on your scar because it doesn't hurt and it's so supportive in all the right areas. I put it on as soon as my feet hit the floor in the morning, it's been my saving grace! I'm able to stand and fold laundry without my back hurting and sweep the house and feel safer picking up my 1 year old little girl.I wore this three days after delivery when I got home and felt like a new person.
It's supportive and breathable.
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