Bathing Your Baby : 5 Best Tips

Among one of the greatest skills you’ll master as a new mother is bathing your baby. It takes time, patience, and a whole lot of adjusting to make the experience pleasant for both you and your little one.
As your child gets bigger, it will be easier to get them situated in the tub but keeping them from getting into things becomes harder. With each stage of assisted bathing you take part in, you learn valuable lessons that helps you deal kindly with your kid.
Use this list to help yourself get prepared to Bathe Your Baby.
1. Baby-Proof the Bathroom

Many dangers exist in the home, especially in the bathroom. Invest in spout covers to prevent your baby from scalding themselves if they try to turn the hot water handle or knob.
You’ll also want to invest in a non-slip mat for the bottom of the tub to keep a build-up of soap from causing accidents.
Removing objects that the baby could knock over, put in their mouth or hurt themselves on is advisable.
2. Keep Your Supplies Nearby When You Bath Your Baby

Gather everything you’ll need to bathe baby. Make sure they are within reach so you don’t turn your back on your child or leave them unattended for even a second.
You’ll likely want to have tear-free, baby shampoo, a shampoo visor which prevents suds from getting into the child’s face, washcloths, toys, a hooded bath towel, diapers, diaper cream, moisturizer, and clothing available so you can wash, dry, and dress your little one with greater ease.
3. Turn on Water and Test the Temperature with Your Wrist Before Baby Bath

That way, you know it's not too hot for your baby’s skin. You can also change the settings on your hot water heater.
Temps should not be above 120 degrees Fahrenheit because anything above that cause damage to sensitive skin by scalding it.
4. Wash your Baby’s Upper Body First

Prop your baby up using a special bath board and start washing their upper body. Then, work on their lower extremities before putting on the shampoo visor and washing their hair.
Make sure all signs of soap are gone from the baby’s body before removing them from the tub by rinsing them well.
5. Dry The Baby Off and Give Their Body a Rub Down with Baby-Friendly Lotion

Take the hooded towel and start gently rubbing the baby’s skin until its dry.
Keep them warm by cuddling them inside the towel as you dab at the wet parts of them. Once they’re warm and completely dry, apply lotion to their body
You can then diaper and dress them and get them ready for bed or for the day, whatever time it is after their bath. Infant tubs are valuable tools to have on hand for the first few months of bathing your child. Then, they can graduate to the sink or regular bathtub once you’re more comfortable with washing them.
Bathing your baby is something you’ll do often after giving birth. It becomes habitual after a short period of time. Once you’ve passed the learning curve that comes with all new babies, you’ll come up a routine that works well for you and your little one. That means less resistance, fewer tears, and cleaner bottoms!
Bathing your baby requires you to engage your lower back muscles and your core. It is important for you to be able to hold your baby properly and safely. Many women experience that jelly belly feeling, core weakness, and back pain. Wearing a postpartum girdle shortly after giving birth will help new moms feel more secure and stable; physically and emotionally. It can be very frustrating and depressing for women not to feeling put together and not being able to care for your baby the way you expect you should.

Did you as a mother faced any other challenge while bathing your baby? Believe us, we would love to hear you story!