Maternity Girdle Discovered by First Time Mom

Every day we hear the most amazing and inspiring postpartum recovery stories from moms who wear a Bellefit maternity girdle from all around the world. We are always so impressed when we see their transformations. We wanted to help spread the word about the exciting benefits of a Bellefit Maternity Girdle. What better way than by sharing these stories with the online mom community?
Bellefit is proud to announce that we are honoring Laura H. from Westfield, Indiana as our Postpartum Recovery Featured Mom.
First time mom, Laura H., gave birth to a healthy baby boy in May 2013.
- Laura gained 50 pounds during her pregnancy. Her belly grew so much that it caused a lot of strain on her petite body.
- Laura began thinking about what her petite body would go through after giving birth, since the size of her belly was bigger than she’d expected.
"My belly was HUGE and was giving me so much hip and back pain! For the last two months of my pregnancy, I slept on the couch because I was so uncomfortable.”
"So I heard about a woman that had used a maternity girdle . Up until then I didn’t know there was anything like that. I looked online and I came across Bellefit Maternity Girdles. As I was looking at it, I thought ‘Well, I’m probably not gonna buy one of these’."
It seemed a little pricey and I thought, ” I don’t want to spend that kind of money for the sake of vanity because I want my body back.”

The more I looked at it, the more I read the medical benefits and reviews. I realized that maybe this was an investment that I needed to make.
Laura decided to talk to her OB/GYN about her concerns. Her doctor agreed that wearing a maternity girdle would be beneficial for her after giving birth.
- She purchased a Bellefit Maternity Girdle and had it ready to go before her due date.
- Laura delivered her 8 lb. 3 oz. baby boy via C-section and soon began to experience pain in both her abdomen and her back.
- "I began wearing my Bellefit Maternity Girdle 5 days after giving birth to my baby. I wore it everyday, all day and all night. The only time I took it off was to wash it or to take a shower."

- “I kept it on as much as I could because it felt really good to have it on! It also prevented me from hurting my incision area and my abdomen.”
- “When you’re moving your baby around, trying to pick him up, or picking up the car seat, all those things put a lot of stress on your mid-section. The Bellefit Maternity Girdle really gave me support and made me feel like I had stability in my core.”
Months later, Laura found out that she had a three and a half finger Diastasis Recti. That's separation of the abdominal muscles that commonly happens after pregnancy.
Having worn Bellefit to compress her midsection after giving birth, Laura had the support that spared her from further injuring her abdomen.
Laura's Maternity Girdle Video Testimony
The busy first time mom used her Bellefit maternity girdle as her primary means of postpartum recovery.
- "I started with a size medium, wore it for 8 or 9 weeks, then I got the small and then ended up ordering the extra small. Looking back, I wish I'd gotten the Bundle to save a little money. I just didn't know how fast I would go down in sizes.” she recalls.
- "I started out weighing 125 lb. when I was pregnant, I went up to 175 lb. and 3 months after I delivered my baby I weighed about 134 lb. Bellefit really set me in a good path to get back in my original size."
- “I am happy knowing that I had Bellefit because I would’ve been in big trouble without it”.
- "I didn’t think that I would ever get out of Yoga pants again! But, Bellefit really helped me get my stability back. It helped get the fluid out, make the swelling go down and get the support that I’d been missing.”
As her baby approaches his first birthday in May, Laura is happy to say that her choice to wear a Bellefit maternity girdle after her C-section helped her reclaim her pre-pregnancy shape. She also was able to enjoy a faster full recovery. Today, Laura likes to share her story with other expectant moms and tells them about Bellefit. “As moms we do a lot for everybody else, this is something that you can do for yourself.”
"Definitely make the investment. Bellefit really is worth it, it's gonna make you feel so much better."
Congratulations Laura!!!!

Your Body During Pregnancy
Women’s bodies are built to bounce back from pregnancy and childbirth, but the reality is that it can be difficult to “bounce back” and return to pre-pregnancy shape without help. During pregnancy, the body secretes hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and relaxin. They remain in the body after childbirth for approximately six months.
These hormones are our body’s way of loosening the abdominal muscles. The facilitate the stretching of the abdominal area by as much as 50%, while the baby grows.
What is a Postpartum Girdle?
- These same hormones also help to loosen the pelvic structure, joints and ligaments to prepare for childbirth.
- The beauty behind Bellefit ® medical-grade postpartum support garments is that they provide a greater stability for the body after delivery.
- The compression garments work by drawing in stretched muscles to provide a 360° support structure around the torso. This results in reduced strain on ligaments and joints in the lower back, pelvis, and buttocks.
- Reducing stress in these areas enhances your body’s ability to return to its pre-pregnancy alignment and shape. It also aids in losing post-baby tummy faster.
- As shifted and constrained organs return to their pre-pregnancy locations during the first few weeks after a c-section or natural childbirth, Bellefit ® girdles hold you in place allowing for movement with greater confidence.
- A Bellefit ® postpartum garment is an essential part of a comprehensive postpartum care and c-section recovery plan for both health and confidence.